Donate to the Magi/TCOOO Theatre Artist Relief Fund here:

In 1905, O. Henry wrote a beautiful story about acts of giving and love. In 2009, The Audible Group created an audio play based on that story and streamed it for a good cause. Now, in these challenging times of 2020, we bring it out again for another good cause, and we hope it will call upon your warmth and generosity.

All donations made here between now and January 15th, 2021 will be shared with the Magi Team and with Taking Care of Our Own (TCOOO), an organization that gives generous grants of aid across the community of theatre artists who need help with medical care, medical bills, losses related to lost or inadequate health insurance, and other hardships caused by COVID-19. They have organized a COVID-19 rapid relief response. Every dollar will make a difference.

We hope this brings you joy this holiday season, and that this gift can turn into a greater gift— isn’t that what theatre does? And isn’t that the Magi story itself?

In this time of social distancing, let’s remember how connected we all are. While O. Henry’s story takes place at Christmas, we hope it will resonate with people of all faiths and traditions to serve a greater good this year.

-Susan, Matt, the Cast of Magi, and Listenably

Donate to the Magi/TCOOO Theatre Artist Relief Fund here:


Deidra LaWan Starnes (as Della Young)

KenYatta Rogers (as Jim Young)

Stella Clingmon (Soloist)

David Toney (Narrator)

With Sound Design and Music by Matthew M. Nielson

Direction and Adaptation by Susan Lynskey

With very special thanks to Lorraine Treanor

COVID-19 has been devastating to theatre artists for most of 2020 and will continue to be devastating well into the foreseeable future.

In March 2020, many long-awaited theatrical projects were unexpectedly forced to shut down just days into rehearsals, techs, and performances, causing thousands of artists to lose their jobs for the bulk of the year.

In the arts community, the loss of work comes with the loss of health insurance, housing security, and a sudden inability to afford basic costs of living.

Many artists rely on a gig-economy and essential frontline workers (restaurant industry, child care, teaching, etc.) to support their craft. This incredible instability in our country, coupled with a life threatening health crisis, has left artists completely unprotected and in need. The idea of not having health insurance at any time is challenging— but during a pandemic it is harrowing. So we wanted to do something.

Matthew M. Nielson and Susan Lynskey made this little radio play (when they were known as the Audible Group) eleven years ago. Back then, all proceeds went to help the N Street Women’s Shelter in Washington, DC when neighborhood gentrification threatened deep cuts in care and services.

In these difficult times, Matt, Susan, and the Magi cast have decided to re-launch this piece in order to support fellow artists across the country who are currently in need.

And in this time of ‘social distancing’, let this audio tale be a warm reminder of how connected we can be.

Donate to the Magi/TCOOO Theatre Artist Relief Fund here: